Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Early Winter Line-Up

Thanks to all those who've volunteered to host upcoming Cavalcades.

Here's the Early Winter lineup:

■ #14: Michael Cannon - December 6th

■ #15: InsureBlog - December 2oth

■ #16: Jason Shafrin - January 3rd

These lucky (and brave) folks have now earned themselves a break from the infamous CoR "nag list." You can, too: just drop us an email and tell us when you'd like to host.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Cavalcade #13 is up!

Just in time for Thanksgiving, Dr Alex Kavokin has a terrific roundup of posts from around the blogosphere. Each entry has a summary, and most have interesting commentary, as well.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Cavalcade #13 - Submissions Due

Just a reminder that submissions for next week's C of R are due tomorrow (Monday the 20th). Alex at RDoctor would love to see your work. You can submit entries:

■ via email or

■ at Blog Carnival

PLEASE include:

► Your blog's url

► Your post's url
► The trackback url (if applicable)
► A (brief) summary

PS: We're still looking for hosts. If you'd like to host a future edition, just drop us an email.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Cavalcade #12 Is Up...

Kudos to Chris Parks at MedBill Manager who hosts this week's CoR while on the road. It's breezy, informative, and boasts 17 entries from around the riskier parts of the blogosphere.

And don't forget, if Chris can put one together "on the road," you can host one from the comfort of your armchair. Just drop us a line.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Fall/Winter Schedule

Thanks to all those who've volunteered to host upcoming Cavalcades. Here's the Fall/Winter lineup:

■ #12:
Chris Parks - November 8th

■ #13:
Alex Kavokin - November 22nd

■ #14:
Michael Cannon - December 6th

These lucky (and brave) folks have now earned themselves a break from the infamous CoR "nag list." You can, too: just
drop us an email and tell us when you'd like to host.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Cavalcade #12 - Submissions Due

Just a reminder that submissions for next week's C of R are due Monday (the 6th). Chris at MedBill Manager would love to see your work. You can submit entries:

■ via email or

■ at Blog Carnival

PLEASE include:

► Your blog's url

► Your post's url
► The trackback url (if applicable)
► A (brief) summary

PS: We're still looking for hosts. If you'd like to host a future edition, just drop us an email.